The Widow's Guide
Book Release Coming Soon
A Better Way Through The Storm
Shari L. Meisel
Help with publishing costs and get honorary mention in this book.
Risa G, CO
"In the blink of an eye, a woman finds herself thrust into a devastating, uncharted, barren, lonely, seemingly empty territory, called widowhood. One of the greatest blessings, greatest treasures, she can be given, is a detailed map showing her how to successfully traverse this journey she now finds herself on.
This book is that map!"
My name is Shari Meisel
Since 2013 I have served, worked and lived with widows. It has been my full-time labor of love since 2015. I began this ministry in answer to the call to care for the widows in their distress, a passion of God’s heart. As I am not a widow, my starting point was the same as most, a lack of understanding for the widow’s plight. I had no idea how to help, but I believe in prayer, talking with God and waiting on him for instructions. The answer came quickly, “It’s not about what you can’t do, it’s about what you can do.” I rolled up my sleeves and began teaching a newly widowed woman how to drive. Her loving husband had been her driver, but now he was gone and she was stranded physically and emotionally. Four months later this precious woman did what she believed would never be possible and got her first driver’s license.
The Lord champions the widow’s cause.
Proverbs 15:25a
A widows ministry was birthed. One by one, God brought new widows and not so new widows into my life from America, Israel and the nations; a precious stream of amazing women. I am a full-time minister of the gospel, not a licensed counselor or therapist. What I am is a friend and servant of the Lord and his precious widows.
The Widow's Guide is a compilation of experiences, observations and lessons learned since 2013 serving widows and ministering to their broken hearts the healing that only comes from God.
Widow, you are not alone.